Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm a bad mom!!! ***UPDATED***

This is a new pic that I took on my camera phone. This was taken while we were in the ER

Well my day started out just dandy! I was in bed and about 5:45 am I hear Rick telling Dee to go back to bed. This is normal for deshawn to get up in the night sometimes as early as 2:00 am . He likes to wander and get into things that he shouldn't. He also likes to get hurt. A couple of days ago he cut his finger trying to cut an apple when we were all asleep. His doctor told me that children like Dee have a hard time keeping their minds from racing in the night. We had just recently as of Dec 20th upped his dose of his meds to see if it will help because we don't want to add another med if we don't have to but I think I might have to have a talk with his doc again because.....We ended up in the ER at 6:00 am with a head contusion and fat lips.

So from what I can tell by the big crash and scream was that he was climbing on the countertops trying to get to the bandaids to put a bandaid on the finger he cut a couple of days ago and he must of slipped and hit his mouth and he had the hugest bump on his head. His eyes were rolling in his head and it scared the living hell out of me.

So I rushed him to the ER and they sent me home with a bunch of instructions of what to watch for and to keep him resting today.

So for all you peeps out there I need some advice. I don't know what to do about this little problem he has about waking up in the night. I feel like I should put a lock on his door but I don't know if that is safe either. Plus I don't know if that is considered child abuse or what. Anyone have any Ideas?????


Holly said...

Can't you bungee cord him to the bed?!?!
LOL! I don't have any answers but I'm sure we will have that kind of kid ourselves!

my--four--sons said...

Hey bungee cords just might work LOL!

Deb Williams said...

lOl I dont think any one would think that you protecting dee by locking his door at night is child abuse considering the other alternative...its not like you lock him in there so you can party with your friends! Or to torture him....especially after the last two episodes...and you might want to put a few bandaids lower! wink wink

Jean Hard said...

Hey, how about putting a screen door on his room. That way at night he can still see out of his room and as well he will stay in there and play if he can't sleep, and you can peek in to make sure he is playing or sleeping ok and that he is safe. AND you can relax get the rest you all need at night. Everyone is safer that way.. Some times you just have to make things work as logical and safe as possible.

my--four--sons said...

Hey auntie that might not be such a bad idea.

Katie said...

Hi, my names Katie, I stumbled accross your blog through another blog :) Your family is gorgeous! one of my sons used to have terrible trouble waking through the night and getting into EVERYTHING so i get where you are coming from- we just put locks on everything that was lockable and made sure that sharps and medicines and anything breakable really were kept well away, he used to want to get food too so i would put a bunch of crackers and a banana on a plate so he would just eat that rather than trying to find something himself. Good luck!


my--four--sons said...

Thanks Katie for your suggestions!

Merr said...

Hi thanks for your comment on my blog. I used to work at a group home with autistic kids. One of the kids had an alarm type thing on her door so that everytime she opened it a bell rang. It wasn't too loud or annoying, just a dinging noise. I don't know if this could help you but you could look into it.