Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Interview update

I had my interview today for the compliance secretary job and all went well. I am definitely qualified. I think this job will require maybe 1/20th the amount of brain cells I had to use when I worked for the bank. It's very basic. I think the girl who interviewed me was like 10 years younger than me. Which can be a bad thing if they are looking for friends and not great employees. So we will see. The pay is not great but they do offer benefits and the hours are perfect. Plus it is only like an 8 minute drive from my house. The place was very unprofessional and everyones desk was a disaster. which is something I am not used to but I can live with. She told me she would call me sometime before 4pm tomorrow so either way I will be okay.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

oh good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed!