Tuesday, March 3, 2009

fifth disease

Parker has had a weird rash on his body. At first we just thought it might be some kind of allergy but the more days that went by made us think differently. Well yesterday it was horrible. I decided that I should take him to the doctor. I was worried that it might be some kind of allergy. Except I had been giving him an antihistamine and it was doing nothing for his rash. He wasn't running a fever or anything so I wasn't too worried but I felt like I needed to rule out any kind of allergy especially since he is on amoxicillin and Adam is allergic to amoxicillin. So the doctor ruled out any kind of allergy and told me he has fifth disease(slapped cheek). They call it slapped cheek because that is what the rash looks like. It isn't bumpy or anything. It is really weird. It is not harmful and he feels fine. It can take up to 3 months to totally be gone. It is contagious but only before the rash appears so there is not much we can do to prevent the spread of it. After a week or so he should look normal unless he gets sweaty or heated and then it will come back out again. Leave it up to Parker to get some weird thing like this.

1 comment:

Hillary Hall said...

Hey Melanie! It was so good to hear from you. I am so glad to see you guys have a blog too. This will be a way fun way to keep in touch with you guys! Linkin has a crazy rash thing going on too. Must be in-the-family! :)