Friday, February 15, 2008

The day after valentines.....

Well I for one am not a fan of the day after valentines day. My reasons are simple. It is a messy holiday. I find little candy wrappers everywhere. The kids only want the candy but if you even think of throwing away the valentine part it is a total breakdown. So for a week I find little valentines cards in various locations around the house. I do throw them away one at a time when they aren't looking but it usually takes a week to get em all.

Although I don't like the mess I love to see how my boys react to holidays like this. I mean they are boys and the lovey dovey stuff is not really their forte but I have to say I must be doing something right because they were too adorable last night. I can't count how many hugs and I lub you's and Happy balentimes I heard all night. It makes my heart swell. I love it when my guys love on me. Who wouldn't? I feel like a princess with all the attention. I can't wait to see the men they grow up to be. Until them I am happy as can be with my little balentimes just the way they are. Aren't boys so much fun?????

Sorry if my spelling is crap. This blogger spell check is not working and I for one am not happy about it.

The picture above is a little older but they are too cute in it so I had to share!

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

spell check isnt working for me either it must be a blogger thing!