Monday, October 6, 2008

wonderful weekend!

Well those of you that live in utah know that we got pounded with rain. Lots of it actually. Of course this meant there was no yard work or outside projects to be done. So what else is there to do? SLEEP :)

We did do a garbage dump run first thing on saturday morning. It was wet and yucky but we had to get a load of construction mess out of the yard. Then we all came home and Rick and Adam went to get a dog house for Buddy and then they went and visited with Rick's grandparents. The younger 2 and I stayed home and wrestled around and made paper airplanes which I do have to say I can make a mean airplane.

After Rick came home I was exhausted and decided since it was a rainy day I would go lay down with my window open and enjoy an afternoon nap listening to the rain. It was absolutely the best Saturday afternoon I have had in a long time. Rick even did a pretty decent job of keeping the boys out. Although I did get a little stirred when I felt a little kiss on my cheek. I am not sure which one it was but I think it was Dee. LOVED IT! Then I drifted back into a slumber.

Sunday was a pretty laxed day too. I slept in and decided to throw the sheets into wash and pick up a little. Nothing to strenuous I didn't want to break a sweat or anything. The boys played and played and watched them some NASCA.R.

My sis called and asked me to go shopping in the afternoon. And who can resist some Sunday afternoon shopping. Not me :) So we went and took her little guy with us (FYI he was not happy with us twards the end of the trip) I got a real cute shirt from Maurice's. Then the mall closed on us so we went over to target and hit their 75% off sale racks and I got 3 shirts that totalled $9. They will be cute for Mexico. Shopping was a great way to end the weekend.


Shanda said...

Did you every end up taking Adam to buy shoes? We should go shopping more often.(O wait that requires money)lol

Deb Williams said...

I hear ya there Shan! It sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. I caaught a nap on suday it was WONDERFUL! I wish we could get the rain I love Rainy days! they seem so refreshing!