Wednesday, October 15, 2008

another day down...

Well we have made it another day. Today when I first woke up I didn't think buddy was doing very well but by this afternoon he was perking up. I finally was able to get some food in him. My vet told me to give him cottage cheese and white rice mixed. Well he would have none of that. I looked on the net to see what I could give him and found no help so I thought I would just try a little tuna. Well that was it. He only ate a little but it got his hunger going so I went and bought some baby food and some canned chicken and mixed some tuna, chicken, cottage cheese and a little rice. NOPE! He didn't want that so next I decided he really needed the protein the most so I just gave him a mixture of tuna and chicken and that was the magical mixture. I have given this to him 3 times and he has eaten it up every time so hopefully his little guts process this well. I am sick of cleaning up doggy diarrhea.

Now we have another problem now that he is not lethargic he has found his little barker. He has barked and barked and barked and barked. He wants to be loved on but I won't let the boys love on him because I am afraid they won't get all of the germies off of them and then proceed to pass those said germies on our other furry babies. So we are stuck with a dog barking and driving us nuts but hey I am proud of how well he is doing. I know the odds were not in his favor but I was very persistent and hopefully he will make a full recovery. I know we are still not out of the woods yet but I know we have felt all of your prayers and love so thanks and still keep us in your prayers for a little while longer.


Jeanna GT said...

i am so sorry that he's sick. i remember going through those scary ideas with ottis. i hope things go good, sounds like they're headed that way! keep trying, you'll be glad you did!

Deb Williams said...

I am glad things are starting to look up. We will still keep you in our prayers!!! Miss you guys!!

The Losee Family said...

Sounds like he is on the mend expecially if he is barking and wanting the attention. I will keep praying for you guys that things continue to get better.