Tuesday, October 14, 2008

still hangin on

Well our little guy is still hanging on. I am completely exhausted. I guess when "we" decided to treat buddy at home it meant that "I" would do all of the work. I seriously had 3 hour of sleep the night before last and I had maybe 4 last night.

I had to stay up till 11:00pm to give him his meds. After I gave him his meds I crawled in bed and I got the worst cramps ever (sorry TMI) So I decided to get up and take some Ibuprofen. After I got up I ended up getting the worst low blood sugar so it took me until 1:00am to get settled from that. So I got in bed and I hear a splatter in the bathroom where buddy is. So I ran in there and he had gotten out of the shower and pooed and peed on my bathroom floor instead of the shower so cleanup was a nightmare. If you have ever had a dog that has parvo you will never forget the smell of their poo. OMG it is awful. I feel so bad for him.

After I got all of that cleaned up I got back in bed and at 3:30am I got the worst diarrhea (sorry again TMI). I think I am just stressed and lack of sleep interrupted my system. I am really tired and really wish I could go back to bed today but I now have 3 sick kids that stayed home from school so I have to play sick maid to them. I have to go grocery shopping so bad, I haven't showered in 3 days, my dishes haven't been done for 2 days I would die if anyone came over right now. I think I just need you all to send me some energy vibes today.


The Rymers said...

Holy Cow! that Sucks! I bet Adam is a wreck. That is scary I have heard it is really contagious, but it sounds like you guys cought it really early, and cleaned alot. I am sorry that sucks i will pray for him and the other dogs.

Deb Williams said...

OH Mel, When it rains it pours..doesn't it. Man I didnt realize you were having such a bad day when I called...I wish i had known. I wish I was closer and that i could help out. Let me know if there is anyting else I can do...besides keeping you in my prayers.