Friday, October 17, 2008


Okay Jeanna I thought it might be fun to do your tag. If anyone else who reads my blog wants to do it go for it. Let me know if you do it so I can make sureI read yours.

1. Did you date someone from high school? I had the same boyfriend from 8th grade to 11th grade off and on I think we broke up and got back together about ten times in those years. We even hooked up for a couple months after high school right before me and Rick started dating.

2. What kind of car did you drive? A cute little white Hyundai excel hatchback. Man I had some good times in that car. Until I totaled it when me and rick were dating. He was such a good boyfriend I didn't replace my car for at least a month or so and he toted me around the whole time. We got engaged shortly after and then we bought the next car together.

3. What was the most embarrassing moment of high school for you? probably when me and my twin sister went to a school dance together with our boyfriends and we were in line and I reach down to grab my boyfriends hand and realized I was holding my sisters boyfriends hand OOPS!

4. Were you a party animal? Who me....... NEVER!

5. Were you considered a flirt? ABSOLUTELY nothing has changed I have always been flirtatious

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? I played violin for a whole year but that is about it. I took piano lessons when I was a teen for awhile. But I am no expert by any means.

7. Were you a nerd? I hope not. J/K I was just normal. I got along with every type of person.

8. Were you on any varsity teams? Nope I didn't have too much school pride :)

9. Did you ever get suspended/expelled? No thanks goodness

10. Can you still sing the fight song? Wow I haven't even thought about that song for a long time since I haven't been in high school on over 13 years.

11. Who were your favorite teachers? None. I had a serious attitude problem in high school. The most important things to me in high school were friends and my boyfriend. I wish now I would have taken it more seriously.

12. Where did you sit during lunch? Usually in the halls. We could take our lunches in the halls and eat them. Then sometime we used to pile 10 of us into my boyfriends car and go to hardees for lunch.

13. School mascot? BRUINS!

14. Did you go to Homecoming? Yes With whom? yeswith the boyfriend I had. He is in every school dance picture I have. What a waste since I had several other guys that wanted to take me out but I would never break up with "him"

15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? parts YES, parts NO

16. What do you remember most about graduation? I wore shorts under my gown and put dress shoes on so it looked like I had a dress on :)

17. Where did you go for Senior Skip Day? We never had a senior skip day

18. Were you in any clubs? No

19. Have you gained some weight since then? Who hasn't

20. Who was your prom date? None other than the ex.

21. Reunions: been to any? No I am not really that type of person.

22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Get rid of the boyfriend and have some fun. Also to remember that high school does not have to be so dramatic.

1 comment:

Jeanna GT said...

seriously can you not help but laugh at some of this stuff! why does high school have to be so dramatic! will anyone ever learn??? i'll be slappin' my kids around if they ever did stupid stuff like me... probably not, but you'd hope they'd be smarter than that! Thanks for sharing! That was totally awesome!!!