Monday, September 29, 2008


I lost my insurance. It sucks but I am trying to not let it get me down. I am frustrated but I will just have to figure out what to do next.

I am not usually a political person (I know I should probably be) but this years election and my health insurance issues have really brought to light the real issues we are facing. For the average joe the average cost of health insurance is outrageous. For someone with a chronic illness is is unreachable. My husband works in construction so there is no insurance. We tried to get a private plan and we were denied by a couple and the ones that would accept us I believe the grand total would have been over $3000 a month. So yeah that didn't and couldn't happen. I mean I guess we could have lived on the streets and had excellent health care but I think a roof over the head is much more important.

The sad thing is I did nothing to cause my diabetes and I feel like I am being punished for it. I work hard to keep it under control and I still have to have my meds. I don't understand why the government allows insurance companies to get away with it. They charge way too much for medications and lets not forget about the doctor visits. I have to have them to live yet pharmaceutical companies are charging whatever they damn well want. Where is the government in all of this. I personally think their hand is in the cookie jar somewhere. The government won't help me and they let insurance companies deny me coverage and they also let pharmaceutical companies charge me outrageous amounts of money for my meds. It is a loose loose situation.

When I hear McCain talk about throwing out cash to everyone for healthcare I just laugh because that does nothing for the chronically ill people out there. We can't get insurance. The insurance companies deny us.

Rick says that Obama wants to govern all the healthcare and that the government will have all the say as far as what meds you get to take and what doctors you can see. Well for me I say at least I am getting healthcare. It may not be exactly what I want but at least it is better than nothing. Like I say I am not a very political person but I have never been in the situation I am in now.

Sorry about the ranting I am just worked up. I know there are alot of other people out there that are in worse situations than me. I know it will all work out. Right now I have written the pharmaceutical company that supplies my insulin and I am asking them to give me assistance with my insulin. I will hopefully hear from them soon. My mom is going to hook me up with test strips. The oral meds I take are on Walmarts $4 plan so I will only have to pay $40 for 3 month supply of that. Walgreens has a walgreens brand syringe that is only $17 for a 3 month supply. I might have to change doctors which kindof sucks because it takes alot for me to be comfortable with a doctor but he charges like $300 a visit and it is not doable. There is a clinic that is alot less money that I might be able to go to. So as long as I can get assistance with my insulin I won't have to go back to work for awhile. So I am asking all of my faithful readers to please pray or send out some good vibes for me.

Thanks for listening!


Deb Williams said...

Oh Mel that sucks! I feel for you. this is so hard. I know how it is we grew up in costruction and never had insurance. I have also seen National health covarage at work..that is what they have in england. It is horrible. Even with sever issues people have to wait months apon months for care and treament because the system has it's proceedures. people die from cancer because they make them wait to long to be "eligible" for treamant. It is the same as insurance here so they have to approve or deny your claim too. It sounds so good on paper but the gross hospital and lack of concern from the Dr.s who are unpaid and over booked becomes horrible. the goverment wil have total controll over what people can or can't have taken care of! the hospitals looked run down and people uncaring (however that may just be the English...LOL) I will pray for you but I am going to pray that good things come your way so you never have to think about national health coverage!!!! there has to be someting that we can find to help you out. I am on board to help. Let me know if there is anything I can do!

Sorry when ever I hear national health I have night mares of being at the hospital having tests run while I was in england...

It would be nice if it was set up the way they have it now or they could create a company for low income and special needs that was affordable and for those who need the help. It would aslo be nice if they had it run by dr's how would come togther in a practice who would do 1 pro bono day a week. i should write my own plan. LOL... Maybe one of us who doesnt have something to gain should right a plan that would give Dr's a tax wrte off for doing the pro bono work. That Would cut major cost right there. We could get deals like walmart does on meds and get companys who own builds to let them use office space on a tax write off basis too. if all the cost werre gone and you were paying for office staff only that would rock...Ok now i am rambling!

Stacey said...

Actually, national healthcare might have its flaws but I'd take it over the US healthcare any day.

Do you have to wait for procedures? Sometimes. Not always. When Angele had Bell's Palsy and they wanted to rule out a stroke, she had MRIs, etc. all done right away. No waiting. Some tests/surgeries are prioritized because of a lack of doctors, not because they want to approve everything. If you're 81 and you're a smoker who needs a heart surgery, the 81 year old who doesn't smoke will probably get in before you do.

I like never having to worry about money for things. I take my daughter to the doctor any time I want and pay nothing. I get x-rays, blood tests, ultrasounds, etc. all free. The only thing we pay is medication which is cheaper than in the States. Heck, even the hospitals here charge less than the States because Canadians sometimes go to the US for a surgery and the government pays for it. It costs at least double for the same procedure to be done in the States!

They are ripping people off and it's sad and makes me angry.

You deserve more. It's not right.