Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To work or not to work......

So I have been toying with the idea of going back to work. Of course I would have to work at nights or weekends because my kids come first. I have been able to get assistance for my meds and if they don't renew me I will have to go back to work so I can get some benefits. Unfortunately I am deemed uninsurable on private plans because of my diabetes and the only way for me to get coverage is to get on a plan with a business because they can't deny me that way.

It kindof bums me out because I already feel stretched thin sometimes and this will probably push me over the edge but I have tried to figure our budget and after bills and other monthly expenses we are only left with $5oo to deal with anything that comes up (yeah I know we are living on a tight budget but it its what you do when you want to raise your kids on your own)and when I added up what our meds will cost (me and dee) it was like $486 a month. So $24 is just not enough to cut it unfortunately :)

I am not opposed to working. I actually get excited at the prospects of getting out and being with grown ups again but I feel like I am being pushed into right now. I really want to wait until they are all in school fulltime (next year). I still may be able to get renewed and hold off for another year but I am not counting on it.

I have also been toying with the idea of going back to school. I already have a Medical assisting degree but I have never done anything with it and alot of the medical facilities around here don't really utilize MA's. So I have to make some decisions about what I want to be when I grow up :)

On other news, I really like the schedule with the boys' schooling. Dee goes in the morning and Parker in the afternoon. There is alot less fighting and the atmosphere is pretty calm during the day. I think the boys like it too. They are happy to see each other and are playing real well when they all unite in the afternoon.

The boys are all still in soccer. They have 2 games left and then Adam will be starting football. I am so proud of my boys. They love to be active (a little too much sometimes) and I am grateful for that. I hope they will stay active in sports because #1 I think sports can be very important for them when they are in their teens and #2 I think it helps their self esteem.

Well this is turning into a lot longer post than I had anticipated so I think I will go now.

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

Oh the decisions we have to make when we are parents. It is so hard to know what to do sometimes. Good luck with that one. I have considered that when the kids are full time again. Just to have play money! ( play money = the extra stuff like clothes for josh and I and buying thos unexpected stuff taht creap up every few months)!!!