Sunday, February 22, 2009

to be or not to be...

I am feeling so confused and a little overwhelmed. I am at a place in my life where I am done having kids and they are all going to be in school full time next school year and we really could use extra money but a huge part of me really wants to go back to school and I know I won't have the stamina to go to school,work, take care of the house and be a mom all at the same time. So to me I need to choose between work and school but when I talk to my husband he seems to think I should go back to school but also thinks I need to work too. Personally I think the reason he wants me to work is so he doesn't want to be the only one responsible for all the financial responsibility. That may not be a fair assumption but it is the way I am feeling right now.

Both of us have been looking at different options for what I could go to school for. I have finally decided that I would like to become a respiratory therapist. With this particular degree I can actually start working at a decent wage after I get my associates. Then I can go on and get more certificates and then get my bachelors.

I have always wanted to work in the medical field and I think that is the reason I got my MA (medical assisting) but I was never excited about that degree for some reason. I thought for awhile I wanted my RN but I just have had a hard time committing to that too. But after hours of research I think if I could make it work I would like to be a respiratory therapist.

Like I say I am confused and I have no idea what I will end up doing but I thought I needed to vent and what better place than my blog right?

Do any of you know anyone who is a respiratory therapist? Do they like it?


The Losee Family said...

That is awesome! I think you should go for it, I wish I had the ambision to go back. Good luck! And I wish you were coming this weekend I will really miss you :(

Merr said...

I just got a pamphlet in the mail on this and was considering it as well. I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up!

Deb Williams said...

I say go with your gut feeling..Or you could pray about it both are good options!!!!

I dont know any one who does it but i am sure that you could call your dr officve and get in touch with some who does it and talk to them!