Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wierd dreams and family updates

Okay I had the weirdest dream last night and I can't seem to stop thinking about it. I dreamt that I ate silly putty and it was stuck in my guts and I couldn't even remember eating it. So what do you guys think that dream meant?

Anyway my ticker says only 4 more days till I'm sittin on the beach soaking up the rayz :) I don't think I am ever going to get everyone packed in time. I have been packing for a week straight already but I can't seem to get organized. I can't focus because I just want to go already!

I guess I better do an update on the family. Let's see Adam is doing well. I just signed him up for basketball so he is excited for that. A couple days ago I had a neighbor come over and introduce their new roommates and they had a little boy about Adam's age and asked if Adam wouldn't mind playing with him. Well Adam was at school so I told them to come back when he got home from school. So after school I told adam about him and instead of Adam waiting for him to come by Adam just went over there and introduced himself and they played for hours. I was real proud of him for two reasons one is because he is the type of person that doesn't even hesitate to befriend someone and the second reason is because he has no fear. At his age I would have been so scared to even meet a new friend let alone to just go up and introduce myself. He is such a sweetheart (well....most of the time).

Deshawn is a trooper. He is doing real well in school. We have increased his meds a little to help out with some more of his anxieties. He does really seem to be doing better with that. The school called last week and they are concerned with his fine motor skills so they are going to be testing him soon and deciding if he needs more services. Hopefully we will be hearing soon from them on that. He is reading a little too. He has learned some sight words and he is just starting to recognize them. We are really proud of how hard he works.

Parker is our little book worm. He has picked up on some reading. He loves to read and is always interested in writing words that he knows and showing off how well he can read. The only thing I have to compare him with is Adam and I know he wasn't reading even when he left kindergarten. So I think Parker is doing well. He is such a sweetie and we love him very much.

Rick has been working alot lately. His regular job has slowed down a little but we have had some friends that have needed his services. He finished up his last project last night and can't wait to hit the beach. I hate it when he has to do these little jobs but I have been able to save up some money for christmas shopping and it puts my mind at ease on whether or not Santa will be visiting us :)

As for me I have been a busy mama. I have been trying to get things ready for our trip and I have decided it is alot of work to pack a family of 5 for 1 week when we are all going in different directions. My health is doing well. I went to the doc a couple weeks ago and all my bloodwork looks good. There was concern about my blood pressure because everytime I go in my BP is up. I told him everytime I test at home it is fine. So I brought my monitor to his office and had it tested with his machine and my BP was fine. So we determined that I am just scared of my doctor :) My A1C (this is a test where they can read what your avg bloodsugar for the previous couple months) was where it needed to be. So I think I will make it another month.

Wow this post was long. I hope ya made it to the end :)