Friday, December 19, 2008

I thought I was being a good mother.

Okay so we decided to take the kids to see christmas lights last night. I had also read that santas reindeer were going to be there too. So we decided to surprise the boys and not tell them what we were doing. So we went to dinner at this new place close to our house. It's called Spankys and it was an old time diner type place. Way cute. Their food was yummy too. Anyway when we started driving there Adam figured out what we were doing and blurted it out (don't ya just love big brothers). But no one knew about the reindeer. So when we got there we told them about the reindeer and they all seemed real excited. So we got up to the reindeer and Parker FREEEEEKED out. He hated every second so we decided to cut it short and go ride over to where the christmas light display was and next thing you know Dee is having a total meltdown because he was evidently not done with the reindeer and wanted to pet them. Basically I was damned if I do and damned if I don't. We opted to let Dee scream it out because ultimately it was warmer in the truck:) He completely stopped when we got to the lights and was super excited for the great light show.

So I guess at least I tried. RIGHT?


Shanda said...

OMG! Seriously are we ever good enough Mothers? Thats funny.

The Losee Family said...

Your boys make me laugh! How fun for them though.