Monday, December 8, 2008

Crisis over!

Well I ended up getting a couple more orders and felt better about having the party. I think if (that's a big if) I do a party again I will wait until it is a slow time of year.

I think the kids are impatiently waiting for christmas this year. They are all ornery and irritated with each other. I think they might be getting sick too. I hope we don't end up being sick on Christmas. The first year me and Rick were married I was so sick with some kindof virus that made me have the worst fever ever and I ended up spending christmas eve in the ER. Good times, good times! I don't think I have ever been that sick since. Hopefully I will never be that sick again (knock on wood).

I still have christmas shopping to do and I have no idea when I am going to be able to get around to finishing. I still need to do parent gifts and Birthday gifts (for Dee and Gpa Rymer) and I still have no idea what Dee and Parkers main gifts are going to be. So I am up for any Ideas (hint, hint) Parker is 5 and Dee will be 6 so if anyone has any ideas I would love them.

Adam started his hunter safety course tonight. He is doing it with his friend Skyler and they are both really excited. I can't believe he is old enough to even do it. So for the next couple weeks he is going to be doing classes and then his testing. Funny thing is when I took my test Skylers mom and I took our classes together and now our kids are taking theirs together. How fun is that!

Okay I will quit rambling all of this randomness.

1 comment:

The Losee Family said...

I was thinking the same thing the other day about us taking the class together and now the boys are. Skyler was so excited all weekend counting down the days then the hours. I will definatly be there on Tues. when they pass so I can get pictures of the 2 of them with their blue cards. And he has already said how Adam is going to be his hunting buddy cause none of his friends around here hunt. But I think he is a little worried about not passing but I think they will both do great.