Thursday, March 27, 2008


I have been a blogger slacker lately. I have wanted to put up my easter pics since sunday but thanks to my wonderful son (dee) I only have one pic left. He deleted all of my easter pictures. I was disappointed but he didn't do it deliberately so I guess I will have to forgive him. At least the pic I have left is a pic of the loot the bunny left.

The boys had a great easter and they had so much candy it was making me sick watching them eat it all. I am the type of mom that lets them eat it all real fast. There are several reasons why. First of all I don't want all that candy around the house because I have a weakness for the stuff and it is way to easy for me to sneak. Second, I would rather them get a sugar rush all at once instead of all damn week. Third, when they eat their candy they are horrible about not throwing the wrappers away so I obviously don't want that to last for a whole week. Fourth, they leave candy on the floor for the dog to sneak which results in massive amounts of puke from a little 7 lbs dog (you don't want to know about all that though). So as you can see I have my reasons for letting my kids have loose with the candy.

Okay so I am a weirdo. Anyway here is the pics I was talking about.


Deb Williams said...

that is what I do then I end up stashing what they dont eat and then that never gets eaten and we end up throwing it they chowed big time for two days and now I give them bits here and there and we didnt do much candy on purpose! but others gave them candy! The easter bunny hides the baskets at our house and we had fun running around the house looking for was great fun adn the kids loved it!

Stacey said...

Your logic makes perfect sense. Oh well, at least from the pic I can see the boys had a good Easter. :)

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Michelle said...

ugh! sorry about the pictures being deleted! Looks like they made out on Easter though :)