Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy anniversary baby!!!!

Well 12 years ago today me and my hubby were married. Wow the time has flown by so fast. It is amazing to me how much more I love him today than I did then. I thought I couldn't love anyone anymore than I did then. We have had some major hurdles in these 12 years and I am so greatful that he was the one by my side through it. I love that he always kisses me goodbye in the morning and tells me he loves me. Even when I am half asleep and probably won't remember he still does it. I love how in the evening when we watch tv he always gets up to kiss me or hug me during the commercials. I love how when I am having a bad day he knows and goes the extra mile to help me out. I love that he makes me feel beautiful even when I am still wearing the same clothes I have been in all week and my hair hasn't seen a brush in 3 days. I love that I know he loves me that I don't even have to question it ever. I love that he is the best daddy in the whole world and that his family is most important to him. There are hundreds of things that I love about him. He truley is an amzing person. So happy anniversay Rick!


Deb Williams said...

awww that is so cutee! Wow 12 yrs! does it seem like it? I know that I have been married for about 4 aand it seems like a good way! but at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday and it took us so long to find each other! I am glad you found such a great guy! here is to the Next twelve Right!

Ronda Gardner said...

that is awesome twelve years! I know that my hubby and I have had our share or heartache and trial; but I do love him more than anything even though he doesn't think so some times. Congrates and I hope that you have many many more. Love ya

Stacey said...

happy anniversary!!!

Michelle said...

happy belated anniversary! what a sweet post too; sounds like you have a wonderful hubby!