Friday, August 21, 2009

Great News!

Well ya know that lunch lady job I interviewed for right after I got laid off. Well I got a call out of the blue today saying the person who was supposed to take the job ended up revoking her contract so they asked me if I still wanted it and of course I did. Hello who wouldn't want to work while their kids are in school and be home a couple hours before they get home plus have all the days off that they have and to top it off have wonderful state benefits.

I am so excited I can Hardly stand it. The wage is crappy but the benefits are worth the lower wage. Wish me luck I am really nervous. I hate starting new jobs.


The Losee Family said...

What a perfect job! Did you have to have a current food handlers permit? Our district makes you have one when you turn in your app. or they will not even consider you. Congrates and good luck.

my--four--sons said...

yeah I went online and got my food handlers permit. They didn't make me give it to them but when I sign my contracts I am sure they will. I didn't know if they wanted it before my interview so I spent the afternoon before my interview getting my permit.

Shanda said...

Sloppy Joe's ..slop, sloppy joes!!!

The Losee Family said...

So how was the 1st days? I have been antisipating your post either here or on facebook and nothing. Dont leave us in suspence!!! Hope everything went well.

Merr said...

That's awesome!!

Deb Williams said...

that is the sexiest pic in the gotta love those sexy lunch ladies...

Michelle said...

yay! hope it's all working out for you!