Monday, June 30, 2008

off to the ER again!

Well we had a little incident at our house today. From what I can gather (I only get half of the truth) Parker was squirting Adam with the hose and adam got mad and threw a rock at him. Although he says he threw the rock in the air and not at parker. I think he may be bending the truth on that one.

Anyway Adam came in the house screaming that Parker was bleeding on his head. So I ran outside and there was blood everywhere. He was covered from head to toe. I was trying to find where the bleeding was coming from and I finally found this little hole in his forehead. It was not very big but it was deep. So I cleaned him up and Rick came and got the other boys and took them to work with him. Then my mom called and needed me to pick her up from work. So I grabbed her and ran over to the emergency room and had him fixed up. They were able to glue it(thank goodness). When we left the doctor told him that he was the luckiest boy in the ER today because he didn't have to get stitched.

He was real brave and totally adorable and very happy he didn't have to get stitched.

I am not sure if I will survive little boys :)


Jeanna GT said...

crazy kids! too bad this probably won't be the last... geesh! fun times, fun times!

Shanda said...

I bet you can drive to the ER blindfolded by now!lol Poor Parker.

Deb Williams said...

Oh the fun...Brandon does the breaks and bruses on himself!! ok so I remember this one time I was wating jen kids and I guess one of the boys got mad at ryan on the trampoline and as he was climbing off the other pushed him out of the whole to the netting around it. Well it was bad timeing on the angry boys part...when he push it through him into a pile of bricks that did the same thing to ryan as it did to parker! it is amasing how bloody head wounds are for so little of a cut!

It is not easy being super calm when there is that much blood and you have to play the cool and calm role...even though you are dying inside not knowing what is really the problem!!!

Glad it is all good though! so where are your grey hairs???

my--four--sons said...

Deb--Shanda does a great job of covering the greys :)

Deb Williams said...

LOL that is good! I forgot you have a hair fairy!

The Losee Family said...

All I have to say, is I am so glad I only had 1 boy. I know I couldn't handle 3.

Stacey said...

ahhh children. glad he's alright and only needed some glue.