Friday, June 13, 2008

Last game!

So Adam played his last baseball game last night. I was so proud of him. The coach let him pitch for the first time and I was so nervous. He was fine but for some reason I was so nervous.

I have never really been part of the baseball scene before. Let me tell you it is so much more competitive than anything he has ever played. Even the parents are uptight. Me and Rick are still trying to figure out why everyone acted like they had a stick up there you know what's all season. I mean they are 9 and 10 year olds for goodness sakes. For alot of the boys (adam included) this is their first year ever playing. I really consider this a real big learning year for him. But I noticed alot of parents getting on their boys like they were professional athletes or something. This is all something I have to get used to. Hopefully Adam will never feel that pressure from me and Rick.

On bad news Rick had to have his first root canal today. Poor guy! But he is actually handling it much better that I had anticipated. He even went back to work. I am sure he will milk it out real good tonight. I tried to talk him into taking the whole day off. But evidently the whole company will fall apart if he is not there.

So I decided to take some allergy meds last night and see if maybe part of my problems might be allergies. Well after being completely knocked out and sleeping very hard and according to Rick I was snoring too I have decided that I do not have allergies. Infact I woke up stuffier and my cough was worse. Go Figure! I guess I will keep up the fluids and hope for a better tommorrow. I am so pathetic!

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

Eeek man that cold is cicking your butt!

I hope you guys dont get into that whole Utah sports evil that they have there... that is why there is no church sports any ore...LOL any way feel better soon!