Monday, November 19, 2007

I hate healthy people....

...Well hate is a strong word. I guess I am just jealous of healthy people. I just came back from the doc and I am frustrated. Since they put me on insulin I have gained like 10 pounds, my A1C(overall 2 month blood sugar average) is high and my blood pressure is high. Hello I feel like I am falling apart.

My blood sugars have always been high but last appt they were in target range and this time they were a little above. I have discussed this with my doc and I am going to try some tweeking with my insulin and this should help.

As far as my blood pressure goes I am going to try my hardest to get that down. They want me to go on a blood pressure med but I really don't want to add another med. So I have got to really crack down on that one. I also have to test my blood pressure at home three times a week until my next appt. JEEZ!!! You would think I was 50 years old and 400 lbs.

Another thing that has been bothering me is I have been having real bad body aches. They are mostly in my legs but I do get them in my shoulders and elbows too. So I talked to my doc about that and he made sure none of the meds I take cause that and they don't so he wants me to go and see an internist and have them check me out. They also ordered some blood tests to see if he sees anything on that.

I get very frustrated because when I was ignoring my health issues I wasn't stressed out at all. Now I feel like I am under a microscope and I feel like they are always going to find something else wrong with me. I like it much better when I was living in denial.

I dunno what to think. I am glad I have this blog so I can vent this stuff out. Otherwise my poor husband would have to listen to it. Instead you all have to listen to me.


Deb Williams said...

I think we are just getting OLd!!! Just kidden! I understand completely...You can call me any time if you wanna talk!

Dee said...

I hate being unhealthy as well. It sucks!!! And having to take multiple meds each day, and having your blood monitored SUCKS!!! Maybe we could find solace in a good cold Bud Light!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you have to deal with diabetes everyday my heat hurts for you.---S

Pam said...

I know how you feel. Although it isn't me who is unhealthy, it's Rhett.

I would love to go to a Dr appointment, and have them say, "He looks great! No issues!!"

But alas it's always something!

BTW, Love your new table and chairs! I'm Jelous!! ;)

Jean Hard said...

Denial has been good for me. LOL I'm still in it, well up until last week when the vascular surgeon said I’m a hopeless case. They took 14 vials of blood. I'm looking at surgery again and they said if the surgery doesn't work then I will be worse of then I am now...LOL I’m returning to denial . I may just stay with it... by the way, I thought (when I was your age) that I wouldn't be walking at 50, and I now I’m 53 I'm still walking. In pain but walking. I give 5 stars to denial. *****

Jean Hard said...
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Anonymous said...

Denial has been good for me. LOL I'm still in it, well up until last week when the vascular surgeon said I’m a hopeless case. They took 14 vials of blood. I'm looking at surgery again and they said if the surgery doesn't work then I will be worse of then I am now...LOL I’m returning to denial . I may just stay with it... by the way, I thought (when I was your age) that I wouldn't be walking at 50, and I now I’m 53 I'm still walking. In pain but walking. I give 5 stars to denial. *****