Thursday, December 13, 2007

Deshawn's IEP

Okay his IEP went really well. He has improved in so many ways. The speech therapist says she is a little frustrated because she has tried every way in the book to get his speech skills better but none have worked well enough for him to retain what she has taught. So she said she is trying something new to see if it might help. Also we might start putting together an image book. It will have alot of pictures in it and he can point to them and express what he wants us to understand. Even though he can express his needs through sign not everyone can understand him because they don't know sign. So the book should help with that. They all say he is very eager to learn and participated well.

His physical therapist says that she has seen HUGE improvements in him. He is getting more confident in his actions. He still has coordination issues and things like throwing and catching a ball he is still not doing it age appropriately. But he has come a long way. So she is going to keep working with him on those things and some galloping with right and left leads. She is going to try and get it so he can start off smoothly and rotate leads smoothly which is quite hard for him now.

As far as the overall preschool his teacher says that she can tell he understands things age appropriately and she is going to be working with him on sorting exercises and beginning to end scenarios(which is basically she has three cards with pictures on them and she has him put them in order beginning to last).

All in all everyone is proud of how far he has come in the last couple of years. Our main concern is of course his speech and hopefully that will come sooner than later. I have a feeling though that it will be the later.


Deb Williams said...

I think with all kids that struggle with things...there will that one day when all the sudden it happens to all children that have their troubles. I think that he is very bright and I know of a kid here who is almost 5 and was barley saying daddy and then one day it clicked and he started I know it will happen for him!

Anonymous said...

I agree he will just do it one day. I definetly think that he is doing so much better this year by far. ----S

Anonymous said...

I agree as well. Maybe it will happen all at once or in gradual increments, but it will be exciting none the less.