Sunday, August 5, 2007

uuuuhhhhggg!!! My house is a disaster.

I swear when the weekends roll around I always want my days off too but I always regret the slacking on my part because no one else will clean up after themselves but me.

I don't know why I always think they will help me on the weekends. I always end up disappointed. I have to give Rick some credit when it comes to the kids. He always helps me with them so I do get a little time to myself. But still am I always the one who has to clean. I get so tired of it.

When I worked full time Rick helped me 50/50 with the housework. I know when I became a stay at home mom I would take on the household responsibilities but c'mon people I am not a slave nor a housekeeper. My little ones will obey me when I ask them to clean up but I cannot get Adam to do anything without a fight. And I shouldn't have to ask Rick but here I sit on a Sunday evening dreading Monday morning.

AHHHH.... The joys of being a mom. What a thankless job. But it is very much the most rewarding. (sometimes)

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

I have to laugh as i read this because last night I sat looking at my house and wondered why I look forward to the weekend untill there over and sunday night I am looking at my house dreading cleaning the next day! I too Have the not so helpful bunch! But that is what I was thinking last night as I was heading to bed!