Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Okay so I promised some of you that I would post some of the things dee does:

He has severe anxieties.
His speech is significantly delayed
He does not USUALLY play with other children. He likes to play on his own.
OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder) I guess he just has tendancies not actually OCD
He wakes up in the night and wanders
He hates change
Never ending tantrums
He hand flaps when he is excited
He has abnormal attatchments to objects
He has some physical delays(not horrible but it is delayed)
He screams and sobs uncontrollably for little reasons
He has alot of fears

These are most of the things that I can think of that he does. There are other things that people with PDD-NOS do that dee doesn't but the majority of the things he does do.


They do a medical assesment to rule out any other things like chromosomal and what not.
Behavior rating
Behavioral observation
Psychological assessment
Education assessment
Communication assessment
Occupational assessment

They did all of these things to determine his diagnosis.


Well he is going to always have some kindof delays. Hopefully we can help him with the behaviors and anxieties. Hopefully he will have a seemingly normal adulthood. We really won't know until he is older. But the doctor believes he is intelligent and should have no problems there so maybe with meds or other treatments we can make this as easy on him as possible.


Wisefam said...

I hope this doesnt sound rude but. Do you know must about he prenatal care....meaning did his birth mother drink, do drugs, smoke...is there a history of problems in his blood line? Jonathan has similer issuse but no one will "Lable" it.

my--four--sons said...

From what I understand she did pot a couple of times and admits to drinking a little. How much of that is true????? who knows but Dee's doc didn't have much to say on hereditary but he did mention that fetal alcohol can cause some of these probs but he couldn't conclude that that is what happed with deshawn. She was in foster care most of the pregnancy so I know she had regular prenatal care from that point on. What are some of johnathan issues??

Wisefam said...

Well his Doctor won’t test him for most things because Todd wont let him. He was diagnosed with ADHD and the meds do help but I don't believe that is all it is. There has been some talk of Asperger’s syndrome or another autistics type conditions but nothing definite because of Todd. Some of the stuff he does is:

Very socially immature
Likes to be and play alone
Shot tempered
Not pick up on social cues and lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.
Dislike any changes in routines.
lacks empathy
Avoids eye contact.
He gets preoccupied with one or only few interests, which he is be very knowledgeable about.
He talks a lot, usually about a favorite subject. One-sided conversations are common. Internal thoughts are often verbalized.
He has delayed motor development. He writes like a kindergartner.
He has heightened sensitivity and get over stimulated by loud noises, lights, or strong tastes or textures.
He has advanced rote memorization…meaning he memorizes info like photographic memory.

Stuff like that. The one good thing is that he would take the same meds for Asperger’s as he already takes for ADHD.

my--four--sons said...

It's too bad Todd is being a wiener about it because they say that kids that recieve treatment for this at a young age have a better prognosis for the future. Can't you go over Todd's head somehow? Maybe you could talk to your doc and see what options you have w/o having to have Todds permission. Does he recieve any therapies from school?