Friday, June 6, 2008

Sick of being sick!

Okay I know I have been a terrible blogger lately but I have good reasons. I have seriously been sick since memorial day and my kids have had graduations and programs and all that good stuff.

I finally broke down and went to instacare yesterday because my kids are sick of me being sick. I thought for sure I had pneumonia. Everytime I cough it hurts so bad. I have been coughing non-stop for almost 2 weeks now and I am about to go crazy. Anyway I guess I am fine according to the doctor (which I still beg to differ) he said the pains I am having are from pulled muscles from coughing so much. So I guess I will live and I just need to rest (yeah whatever) drink lots of fluids and give my body some time to get better. He did hook me up with some awesome cough syrup. Hopefully that will help so my muscles will heal.

As far as the kids go they are doing great. They all caught the cold too but they all got over it in a couple days. They are all enjoying their summer vacation. They have spent the majority of the last 2 weeks soaking wet and jumping on the trampoline. They have been pretty good kids (knock on wood) so far. They are growing so fast. Last summer I felt like I had to watch every move they made but this year I have just been able to send them out to the backyard and play. They need to stop growing. I know I am finished adding children to our family and I want to savor every minute with them but they are growing up so fast. Don't get me wrong it has it perks, like being able to blog while they are all out playing on the trampoline :). I can mop my floors and they can fully dry before I get little footprints all over them. But you know it is hard to say goodbye to old stages and move to new ones.

Anyway I guess I will wrap this up. I will try to be a better blogger!


Anonymous said...

hey, i'm sorry you've been so sick! and yeah, funny how the dr tells you to take it easy, it's a guy doctor, right? no offense men-readers... hope you're feeling better!

Deb Williams said...

I am ssorry to heat how sick you are....I know how bad that suck...and having diebeties makes it last longer! Well be praying for ya!