Monday, April 28, 2008

an early mothers day present....

Well after we were finished with our fence project yesterday Adam decided to take some scrap wood and make me an early mothers day present. When he brought it in (yes, in my house) I suggested that maybe I could use it outside to plant flowers on. He was so excited (as I was holding back the tears from laughing) and said he made it for my office. Well I can't break his little heart so I guess it will be spending some time in my office until I can think of another use for it. I will leave you a picture.


Deb Williams said...

now that is the table of all tables....I love the 5th leg for stablity!

Jeanna GT said...

this is the most awesome thing i have ever seen! you've got one talented kid! and thoughtful! and it's perfect for the office...way to go, ADAM!!!!

Lindsay said...

That is so great! What a sweet kid. I love it.